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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Windows Phone Over BlackBerry OS

BlackBerry hasn’t been at the top lately. That’s mainly because of bad management decisions, such as the direction of the company, and the actual products they put out. In the end, the smartphone speaks for itself. If it doesn’t deliver a great experience, then it’s not going to be a hit.

Sadly, this is the case with BlackBerry. Right now, they’re posting consecutive loses every quarter compared to a few years before, when they were on the rise. You should probably sell your BlackBerry now and get cash from your used electronics because things are going to look a bit different from now on.

If you’ve decided on selling your BlackBerry, where do you turn to? The Android and iOS software look pretty similar. Here comes your savior – Windows. Yes, just like BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone is a unique OS different from the rest. If you want to look unique despite switching brands, then a Windows Phone is a good choice.
So what are its core features?

Refreshing User Interface

The latest version of Windows Phone, 7.5 Mango, features an interface that’s very refreshing to use. For example, you’re greeted by Live Tiles at the start screen. From there, you’ll be able to access apps, contacts and other stuff you wish to pin.

What makes the tiles ‘live’ is that information is constantly updated. For example, you can pin your email inbox into Live Tiles and you’ll see any unopened emails you have. The same goes for messages, Facebook notifications and other stuff.

As mentioned, you’ll be able to pin contacts for easy texting. Even links of websites can be pinned!

Microsoft’s Bing is more than a search engine – it makes your life easier! Bing is deeply integrated into the software. It has built in purposes, such as a barcode scanner.
With the barcode scanner, you’ll be able to quickly pull up information from the Internet about the product in question. You can also quickly search for restaurants and other events happening in your area. Of course, GPS is supported.

Aside from that, you get to the usual search features, which are integral to Windows.

Social Network Integration
Today’s culture demands that we have Facebook and Twitter and Mango provides exactly that.
Three social networks – Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all integrated into the software. That means you’ll be able to update your status right from your phone, no downloading of apps needed!

What’s more, the contacts you have on your phone will also automatically update their profile whenever a Facebook friend of yours posts pictures.

Cool Apps
Windows Phone is home to plenty of cool apps that will surely get your attention. Aside from that, you have access to an abundance of games – something BlackBerry is sorely lacking.

Windows Phone is a very reliable alternative when it comes to OS. Since they’re experienced in creating an amazing user interface, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth with a Windows Phone.

You should try it out. In fact, many people have been praising Microsoft’s software.